Microsoft Interview Experience

Thanks to Pooja for her contribution to Campuskart
Round 1: Online test with 70 questions for 75 minutes with sections – questions in TechTalks, Basic computer science,verbal and communication skills.
Round 2: Group discussion for 10-12 minutes based on TechTalks. Understand and analyze the scenario.
Round 3: Technical Interview (1 hour)
Following questions were asked
a. Tell about yourself.
b. What is Networks?
c. Explain the seven layers in networks?
d. Tell about network layer working?
e. What is tcp and udp?
f. As a user I will give you data and as a application layer what you will do with the data ?
g. Tell me about ip address and their classificstion?
h. Name some private ip address?
i. What is os?
j. Tell me how memory management done by os?
k. What is logical address and physical address??
l. Explain http smtp ftp snmp??
m. What is dhcp how and where it is used?
n. Name the os you are familiar with?
o. What is para virtualization?
(For the above questions, I was continuously talking on that topic till he said stop)
p. You have learnt c java ..then why you want to join as support engineer ?any idea about working as developer?
q. What you think you can do as a support person?
r. Are you ready to work even during night shifts?
s. Assume a scenario-you are working in gtsc and am your client calling you saying mam I couldn’t access xyz website how will you help me?
t. If Microsoft gtsc and Microsoft developer ..both coming to your college which you will prefer?(note:answer carefully)
u. Do you have any questions?
Talk continuously about the topic without stopping and with the confidence.
a. How are you doing?
b. How are you feeling now?
c. Tell about your parents and siblings.
d. Tell about your friends.
e. Where do you stand in your class?
f. Which is the toughest situation you faced in your college life?
g. What is the moment you had felt that you cud have done better?
h. If I ask your achievements in college what will be there ?
i. Tell me your experience for the four years in this college?
j. Tell me some more achievements of yours.
k. Do you have any questions for me?
Be Confident and answer the questions in casual manner without hesitation.
a. Tell about yourself (till he says stop).
b. Tell me about your mom dad and brothers?
c. What all the tech talks you have attended??was it useful?
d. How you prefer to learn if I give you something to learn??
e. Tell about the support engineer video we showed in the preplacement and your view about the video?
f. Tell me your favorite tech talk ?? why is it your favorite?
g. How will you explain your favorite techtak topic to a layman?
h. Do you aware of the shifts in the company?
i. What is roll of the post which you are to be hired?
j. Are you ok with the night shifts?
k. Will your parents allow you for it?
l. You got a very good cgpa,y don’t you go for higher studies(tricky question)!
m. Will your parents trust you and allow you to Bangalore?
n. Do you have any questions and me?
Be confident with your answers.

Round 4: HR Interview (30 minutes)
Round 5: Manager Round (30 minutes)
• All subject basics must be known in detail.
• Should be clear in what they have learnt in these semesters.
• General Troubleshooting problems in networks and operating systems.
• All should be aware of their own system configuration and how, why it is.
• Basic tech talks topic to be covered properly .

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1 comment:

  1. THe drive was a one day drive? I mean the online exam and gd and interview on the same day?
